International Music Village

IMV 2024

Eti Vinkovec

8. – 12. 7.2024.

International Music Village je pedagoški intenzivni tečaj za profesionalce koji koriste glazbu u svom radu. IMV je odlično mjesto za umrežavanje za edukatore Orffove glazbene pedagogije diljem svijeta.Međunarodno Finska Orff Schulwerk udruga JaSeSoi organizira od 2000. Godine ovaj događaj koji je s vremenom posao vrlo popularan i okuplja sudionike sa svih kontinenata. Kroz godine, tečaj je postao forum za međunarodno umrežavanje, prijateljstva i susrete kolega. 28 kolovoza 2022. godine u Hrvatskoj, u ETI Vinkovcu, formiran je međunarodni tim od 6 osoba, sastavljen od po dva člana iz svake OS-licencirane  udruge: Hrvatske (HOSU/CROSA), Katalonske (OrffCat) i Finske (JaSeSoi). Glavna ideja je podići tečaj IMV na novu razinu čineći ga više međunarodnim i pristupačnim organizirajući tečaj sljedeće tri godine u tri zemlje – Finskoj 2023., Hrvatskoj 2024. i Kataloniji 2025.


Senem Krispler (Tr) & Lela Kaplowitz (Cro)

Službeni jezik tečaja: Engleski

Lokacija: Edukacijsko rehabilitacijsko imanje Vinkovec


REDOVNA CIJENA 450 € Smještaj, obroci i radionice

ČLANOVI UDRUGA HOSU, JASESOI I ORFFCAT 405 € Smještaj, obroci i radionice

Pod pokroviteljstvom Orff zaklade osiguravamo 10 stipendija svaka u iznosu od 225 €

The International Music Village is a pedagogical intensive training course for professionals using music in their work. IMV is a great networking arena for Orff music educators around the world. The International Music Village has been organised by JaSeSoi, the Finnish Orff-Schulwerk Association, since 2000. The course has been very popular and has drawn participants from all the continents. Throughout the years the course has become a forum for international networking, friendships, and reunions of colleagues. In the course, there have usually been both Finnish and international presenters. On 28 August 2022 in Croatia, at ETI Vinkovec, a compensated international team of 6 persons was set up, consisting of two members from each OS-licensed association: Croatian OSA (CROSA), Catalonian OSA (OrffCat), and Finnish OSA (JaSeSoi). The team of the international collaborative three-year pilot project drafted the constitutional act and defined working guidelines, objectives, and other parameters of the programme. The main idea is to bring the IMV course to a new level by making it more international and accessible organizing and hosting the course for the next three years in three countries -Finland 2023, Croatia 2024 and Catalonia 2025.


Senem Krispler (Tr) & Lela Kaplowitz (Cro)

Teaching language: English

Location: ETI Vinkovec


REGULAR PRICE 450 € With accomodation, meals and teaching

MEMBERS OF CROSA, JASESOI AND ORFFCAT 405 € With accomodation, meals and teaching

Under the sponsorship of the Orff Foundation, we provide 10 scholarships each in the amount of 225 €

Information regarding the course:

IMV 2023